Laughlin to Las Vegas Nevada

I started out from Laughlin and headed for a cache called The Eyes have it.

The Eyes have it

The Eyes have it

The first time I tried this I came up from the backside as my GPS had it 131 m away until I got to the top to find there was a bit of a cliff to deal with. No thanks not alone. I could see a road so down I went and drove around to climb up the right side.

view of the car from the cache

view of the car from the cache

While climbing up I was looking at the description and noticed that this had been DNF before me and the cache was replaced some months back. Would it still be there. I arrived at the top and there it was the first place I looked.

From here I headed north where I grabbed several more along the way. I did one in a outhouse in Searchlight then I headed on.

good road?

good road?

I came in a different way to try and clean up more of the Grandpa Series. Okay road looks good.
I then come around the corner to see this:

what the?

what the?

No power lines only solar or generator.

Yes there was a cache up here at the corner of:

the corner of

the corner of Copper Hill Road

From here I continued on to a very interesting road. This was no longer what I had been driving on and not in the same condition.

I manged two DNF’s here, one because of a Hornets nest near a old truck. I have a bad allergy problem to stings and I carry a pen but to have it happen along would not be the wisest thing I could do.
I did find a mining claim on the second DNF but I couldn’t find the cache if my life depended on it.

One of the roads I came down

One of the roads I came down

Some new GrandPa’s were added since last week. Off I go and managed 2nd to find on them. Oh well.

I also managed to take a wrong turn up here and get lost. I used my cookie trail to get back and out of here and back to the highway.

Solar Panel farm

Solar Panel farm

Now it was off to Las Vegas and back to the Flamingo.

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