Did you know there are US Presidents in Yuma?

This morning I woke up and checked my email and found that overnight some new caches were published to do with US Presidents.

I was out the door early on on sight by 8:00 AM only to find I was two hours late.

I knocked off the ones I could do except on I had a DNF on which later turned out to be missing.

From here I headed south to do the ERNAC: EASY line along the freeway.

I finished up with Pilot Snob which earned a Favourite from me.

Pilot Snob

Pilot Snob

From here I headed back to Yuma then south back to finish off the SWAG series from yesterday.
I came into this the way we left it yesterday and started from there. Shortly just after starting there were US Border Patrol all over the place, we are not talking just a few cars but hundreds. Didn’t know they had that many. I wondered what was going on but it must be something big. The good news I was left well enough alone.
I did manage to complete all but 1 of the SWAG series and headed for the hotel. I stopped and grabbed a few more along the way before calling it a day.

The Road for the Presidents

The Road for the Presidents

The Road for the Presidents

The Road for the Presidents

It is amazing what you find way out here

It is amazing what you find way out here

Yep, that is the Mexican Border

Yep, that is the Mexican Border

Your Kidding

Your Kidding right? What road? oh I am sorry you are talking the dirt one I am on..

Every Pilots dream to drive on a Runway and do what they please... oh you can see the cache if you look hard enough

Every Pilots dream to drive on a Runway and do what they please… oh you can see the cache if you look hard enough

Yep it is a Prison near http://coord.info/GC3B68J

Yep it is a Prison near Brian What is in a Name cache

My total was 101/103 not bad for all the miles I drove today.

I have arrived back at the hotel to upload my Field Notes to find that while I was out more US Presidents have been released. Damn I haven’t finished the series.

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