The Oregon Trail

Today we headed out to the Oregon trail.

The Oregon trail is interesting in the fact these are not easy micro’s they are blood test tubes that are painted brown to match the bushes they are hidden in. Some are an easy find and others can take 10 minutes to find. This road for the most part is 4×4 and while there was someone who recently did it in a Prius I wonder how they got through some parts.

We decided to not go through here

We decided to not go through here and turned around. Did the Prius get through here?

We then had a choice to make the high road or the low road? WE came down the high road on the ride but decided to see new country and took the low road.

HIgh road or low road?

High road or low road?

Stopping along the way we found Wild Flowers in the middle on no-where and then there was looking for a cache with a great view of the dam/lake. Note how much the water has gone down.

wild flowers

wild flowers

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 looking for the cache

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 looking for the cache

view of the dam/lake

view of the dam/lake

We found what was becoming a common problem for several caches and those duplicate caches. You can tell the real cache and the duplicate by the container. The first one Rumrunner1 and Sweet-Marie were looking for the cache and both yelled at the same time I have the cache and popped up holding a cache.
I guess people are just too fast to not DNF a cache and put a replacement out so they get their happy face.

Two caches?

Two Caches?

We had set the time of 4:30 to quit today because Marie sets the pace. We don’t want to see her get run down and sick.

We quit with over 110 caches today. Considering the location of these caches and the length of time we were out we were very happy with the day.

Tonight we went back to the Inn and decided to try Tucanos Brazilian Grill. We all; agreed that it was well worth the expense.This is a busy place and they do take reservations. I can’t tell you the last time I ate that much, but it was great.

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