Boise, Idaho and Day 2 of the “Jet”

Today we came in from a different road than yesterday because we were headed for the right wing and nose of the F-16.

Today it was out mission to complete the F-16 and move on to other caches in the area.

While going from cache to cache we noticed “roads” and they would suddenly end and then pick up again. Almost all the caches are in preformed plastic pop/soda bottles. They are inserted into plastic PVC pipe. Today was no different than yesterday we came across many missing their lids because the critters were eating them as fast as they were being replaced.

We noticed today that we were not far behind the legendary kootenay pirates. It is a big area out here and no telling if we would run into them. We continued on a came over the rise of a hill to find a Jeep parked, would this be the legendary pirate jeep we have been following? A suggestion was made we could plunder said jeep by removing the wheels but then the pirates appeared over the horizon. They had walked to do the letterbox caches. We waited for them to return and had a great talk where we agreed to continue this over dinner. We made a suggestion to them to do One Cool Crack and Kuna Caves. They wrote it down and we continued on.
It was great to finally put a face to the Pirates.

The Pirates and Philatsea and Sweet-Marie

The Pirates and Philatsea and Sweet-Marie

We managed to get to Thunderbird 1 which is a rather large cache and we dropped some bugs/coins there and had a photo op.

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 at Thunderbird 1

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 at Thunderbird 1

Not much of a road

not much of a road

Here is the completed Jet all be it one cache on the left wing tip training edge. The caches in the middle were placed to try and mess up the geo-art. The fact is almost all are missing.

The nearly completed F-16 Jet

Once we finished the “Jet” it was off to a little known cache called Kuna cave. This has a historic value so reading the cache page makes it more of a reason to do it.

This cache earned a Favorite from all of us.

Rumrunner1 headed down

Rumrunner1 headed down

This cache isn’t for the faint at heart. There is about 50 feet to descend on the ladder then 200 steps to the cache. A flashlight is very much needed. Oh and a word of advice watch your head.

another angle of Rumrunner1 descending

another angle of Rumrunner1 descending

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 at the cache

Sweet-Marie and Rumrunner1 at the cache

Phlatsea at the cache

Philatsea at the cache.

Sweet-Marie at the ladder ready to go topside

Sweet-Marie at the ladder ready to go topside

Philatsea by the ladder

Philatsea by the ladder

We stopped in Kuna and did one Virtual cache before heading back to the hotel and then Dinner at Applebee’s with the kootenay pirates.

I have to say having dinner with the pirates was a great end to a great day of caching.

Thank You kootenay pirates

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