Do the Locomotion – and caching before this

Today was the big event in Grandview, Idaho. The Do the Locomotion Event event started at 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The idea for the day was head south and cut in towards the end off the top 100 cachers in the world then move on to the Idaho Quality Trail. This would head us towards the 45-50 Challenge caches just before Grandview and allow us to eat and then go to the event.

I have to say there is something satisfying when 4 of the top 10 cachers in the world DNF a cache just before you and you locate it. :-).

Rumrunner1 headed for the cache while I shoot photos

Rumrunner1 headed for the cache while I shoot photos

The surrounding area

The surrounding area

While I was doing the next cache I found many bones spread over a wide area

While I was doing the next cache I found many bones spread over a wide area

Johnny Rango

Johnny Rango of League of Id Cachers

Johnny Rango, Quirenerd

Johnny Rango, Quirenerd teaching the Locomotion

Sweet-Marie and  kootenay pirates

Sweet-Marie and kootenay pirates on the bench

kootenay pirates plunder Davy Jones Locker cache

kootenay pirates plunder Davy Jones Locker cache

After all this we finally came to the point in the evening where all those that registered were given a DVD with all the caches for the new Geoart which was a old train.

worlds biggest geoart

worlds biggest geoart – 1000 caches

Oh and if you think you are going to do this train in a few days you will need to rethink that. It is designed to be done in about 5-7 days. There is 30% of the caches have to be done by horseback or hiking.

In all it was great week of caching with us getting 103 FTF’s and a total of about 550 – 600 caches for the 5 days. We never went for big numbers we went at Sweet-Maries request and to do the “Jet”. Anything else beyond that was a bonus.

I can’t begin to Thank Johhny Rango and Tim for the event and all the help they gave us. I tell you the League of Idaho Cachers is a great group and they are doing some great stuff with geoart and I can’t wait to see what they have planned next. Thank you!!!

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