Málaga, Spain

Today was the end of my transatlantic cruise but the start of my 7 day Med Cruise.

I would like to start off and say a BIG Thank You to Sueatsea and Addict1 for the trip across the Pond again and the chance to cache with them. I look forward to keeping in contact with them. Thanks Malcolm and Sue for a great time!

We had to remain on board till after 9:30 AM so I could place my valuables in my cabin safe in my new cabin, once this was done we headed ashore to do some caching. The good thing about caching in Europe sightseeing comes with caching because most places have something to do with history or just age. It is not uncommon to find a cache near a building that is 400+ years old. You just won’t find this in North America.

First off was a cache near the ship called GR-92 La farola. When we arrived at this cache today the coordinates had us on the other side of the cement wall by about 8m . I knew this couldn’t be the case so after searching what I thought were all the logical locations I was about to give up when the light went on and I said to my daughter I know where it is and sure enough it was there. It was so obvious and so simple where it should be yet I was making it too hard to find.

Lighthouse near GR-92 La farola

Lighthouse near GR-92 La farola

From there we headed into the old part of Malaga and a park along the main road.

Park along main road

Park along main road

In the park we located one cache then headed off off to Museo Picasso or the Picasso Museum. You can well imagine the number of camera’s in the area. Trying to not look suspicious so the guards won’t come and bother you is a whole new story. The cache itself is out of camera range or at least it appears to be. The problem was the number of walking tours going by as we tried to do this cache. We did locate the cache but signing the log was a whole new story as people going by. The log was full but we did find room to sign. Nice location.

looking towards the entrance of the Museum

looking towards the entrance of the Museum from the cache.

looking up the building the cache is on

looking up the building the cache is on

buildings near the cache

buildings near the cache. No wonder there isn’t a good GPS signal

From here we headed to the “mall” to do Webcam Málaga cache and another cache near the webcam cache.

The Mall

The Mall

Adventure of the Seas

Adventure of the Seas – The weather doesn’t look good as wee head back to the ship.

I have to say I enjoyed Málaga very much. I look forward to visiting here again.

We managed a meek 7 km today.

I leave you with some flowers in the park.

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