Dalles, Oregon to Bingham, Utah via Idaho

From Dallas Oregon I decided to head east because of the snow in northern California.

I woke and proceeded east into Idaho where I went to do my first cache for the day at a rest stop. I had the location but couldn’t find the cache. I suspect that they put it inside the electrical box in the rest area but I do not stick fingers into said places. Those are my rules not theirs. I also don’t stick hands into holes where rattle snakes or other said critters hide. I know a fellow cacher who did just that and got bit by a rattle snake last summer on his arm.

I did manage 3 caches in Idaho. The last at night just prior to the Utah border. This was an Earthcache called Lake Bonneville

The big problem was I somehow missed the turn into Twin Falls and before long I found my error I was 40 miles down the highway. Next stop Bingham Utah.

I stayed in Bingham Utah for the night and while it was snowing off and on it was suppose to get worse overnight.

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