Ketchikan Alaska

Today was another great day for weather.

I have never seen Ketchikan with this few people because we are the only ship in port.

The plan was leave early and get the caches in the downtown core before it gets busy. The first stop was Bin Caching TB Hotel then off to Fish-On. I am glad there was no one here when I arrived as at the height of cruise season this one would be difficult to get. I have to say I liked this one as well.
from there I moved along the water front to the break water and did a cache where out on the tip called Well…Here I am! I was getting here that proved interesting as the local homeless use it to hang out on and one has to make their way over and around them.


Ketchikan – I know no kidding…

Trail above the city

Trail above the city

City Park

City Park

Creek Street

Creek Street

Sailing from Ketchikan

Sailing from Ketchikan

sailing down the channel from Ketchikan

sailing down the channel from Ketchikan

Well...Here I am! cache is down there somewhere

Well…Here I am! cache is down there somewhere

It was a great few days caching while on this cruise. I cruise to cache because it takes me to places I would not cache otherwise. I get to go to places that almost all passengers don’t go. While this was the first time I have cruised carnival it wasn’t bad but I would prefer to cruise other lines. I think the purple dining room was just too much.



I did have 1 DNF here and while I was told by a passerby it was there in fact it was missing.

You can read my full Carnival Miracle Review

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